Awesome! We're moving to a new office on Market Streen, right by the Westfield Mall! And of the 3 Hack Reactor teams at the Hackathon, all made the final 16, 2 made the final 6 and one is still in contention to win the whole thing!

One team's project, presented by Mark R. was one near and dear to my heart-- a language parsing tool called Grapheme. Henry, Adnan and friends made Bookcrumbs, and are in contention for the top prize. I can't say how great this is to see the first class of Hack Reactor students doing so well against bay-area professionals enthusiastic enough to enter hackathons. Knowing that my cohort is only six weeks behind and that I'm doing well is hugely motivating.

Henry and friends in our Hack Reactor classrooms.

Henry and friends in our Hack Reactor classrooms.

Oh yeah. Adnan and my mentor Paul, both in the first HR cohort, totally stole the show at Meteor bootcamp 0. They made this game in like 2 days.

Paul and Adnan presenting at Meteor.js HQ

Paul and Adnan presenting at Meteor.js HQ

It's only been a short time for everyone here and an even shorter time for me, but I am going to have fond memories of this crowded little office. I'm continually grateful for the chance to hang out with so many motivated, smart people. Starting tomorrow we'll all be doing the same fun stuff, but have more room and more than one restroom. Yay!

PS Meteor is awesome and I'm definitely going back to their next hackathon-style meet-up

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