Tag Archives: JavaScript

What's the difference between setTimeout(callback, 0) and process.nextTick(callback)? How about Node's setImmediate(callback)?

On the surface, it appears that all three functions do the same thing—they execute the callback after the current event loop, but before anything else. The natural question to ask is, why are there three different functions? Let's run an experiment:


Frustratingly, the Sublime Text editor doesn't set up a build system for JavaScript the way it does for Ruby and some other languages. Fortunately, it's an easy problem to fix. Assuming your JS interpreter is Node.js, these are the steps to set it up:


This is an archive of some of my thoughts after completing the first two weeks of Hack Reactor. When I filmed it, I wasn’t sure if I’d ever share it or not, but I’ve decided to go the open route. Warning: it’s not edited and it’s full of uhms and pauses.


This is an archive of some of my thoughts after completing the first two weeks of Hack Reactor. When I filmed it, I wasn't sure if I'd ever share it or not, but I've decided to go the open route. Warning: it's not edited and it's full of uhms and pauses.


Here's what was super quick for me on windows 7. Download the auto installer at nodejs.org and install the .msi on your windows computer.

Go to the start menu and search "cmd". It should find a "cmd.exe". Right-click that and run as admin. Then you should be able to type node --version to verify that it's installed. If the command runs and outputs something like the following, then you're good to go!

c:\>node --version

Start the tutorial here: http://www.nodebeginner.org/

It's a fairly simple app it has you build, but it will give you enough to start playing around quickly!

Also, this is a great ebook for learning JavaScript interactively: Eloquent JavaScript